
Qavita makes it easy to speak to be interpreted, write to be interpreted and speak to be translated. Whether you need help with interpretation, translation or contacts with authorities, our app instantly connects you with 2000+ certified translator, interpreters and culture specialists,speaking over 50+ different languages –everyday bilingual people with skills and qualifications needed to translate written documents or spoken words from one language into another.

How it works?

Here we will explain step by step how it works

Post ads

Start by creating an ad “Jobs Offers”  with your wishes on Plavito, if you haven’t already done so. In your profile, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself to the job seeker by telling about yourself and the job offers. Once you have completed your profile, the responsible agent will contact you with job seeker proposals – expect a response within 3-5 days (working days).

The Qavita Vip-Rental Guarantee, guarantees the payment of the rent during the first year of the tenancy. We are at your service during the entire duration of the tenancy, also after the guarantee period.

Qavita makes life easy for all tenants out there. You will be guided through every step of the process, until you move out. Plavito takes care of all transactions between you and your landlord.

Become a helper


Interpretating for Qavit-Lingo is a part-time job for most people, but you can make it a full-time job with effort. Many interpreters make €500+ a week with Qavit-Lingo because they know how the system works and how to maximize their earnings.

Meet some happy customers

Arja Kari

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As a Plavito Verified, you can request a callback using your phone number on your profile. How Do I Become Verified? Just click Post ads and choose “Get Verified” via

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